Inclusion and SEND
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) at de Stafford aims to identify and overcome potential barriers to learning and to meet the needs of all SEND students within the school setting. The department encompasses SEN (Special Educational Needs), External Provision and support for pupils with medical needs.
For any enquiries on Learning Support, please contact Mrs Geraldine Callanan, SENCo
The Learning Support team helps students who have difficulties with cognition and learning, communication and interaction difficulties, social, emotional and behaviour difficulties and those with physical and sensory difficulties.
Students with identified Communication and Interaction Needs, which encompasses speech and language difficulties and communication needs associated with Autism, are placed by the Local Authority into our designated COIN provision - COIN-Centre-Information-September-2023.pdf
Our SEND provision takes into account the full scope of student support, which begins with the delivery of high quality, whole class teaching and includes guided and group work and individual interventions.
SEND students are supported in a range of different ways, which are outlined in our SEN policy.
The Whole School Provsion Map outlines the provisions available for SEN in each of the three ‘waves of provision’ and the SEN information report outlines these and the answers to frequently asked questions.
Please see our SEN Policies page for more information.
If you are a registered NHS patient in England and your GP refers you for specialist treatment, such as an ADHD or autism assessment, you have the legal right to choose an appropriate healthcare provider. The waiting time for Right to Choose assessments is up to 12 weeks. Please click here for more information.