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Congratulations to our class of 2024 on an excellent set of GCSE results. Particularly strong progress was seen in the proportion of students achieving a strong pass (5+) in both English and Maths. A fantastic effort by all. We wish our students the very best for their futures.


Year 7 Students are studying First Aid in their PATHS lessons this half term and have been practising bandaging and applying slings this week!


Thank you to all the employers, training providers and business owners who joined us for our Careers Fair. We appreciate you giving up your time to share your expertise, knowledge and enthusiasm with our students, helping them shape their dreams and aspirations for the future!


Do you feel your child needs support with the transition to de Stafford School or maybe has an additional learning need? Then please do join our Inclusion Team at Café 181 on Thursday 11 July at 11am😄


If you missed us at our Open Evening last night, do not worry!We are holding Open Mornings for Prospective Year 7 Entry to the School where you are warmly invited to visit us in action!To book your slot, please click on the link below 👇



Please be aware of the current roadworks at the top of Burntwood Lane near the school entrance. You may need to follow a small diversion to access the school, so please ensure you leave plenty of time for your journey. It will be lovely to see as many of you there as possible!


Thank you to the two separate members of the public this week who took time out of their day to share with us some really positive feedback regarding our students here at de Stafford School 📷


We are over the moon to announce that we have have raised a whopping £2,364 for Shooting Star Children’s Hospices 💜 Thanks again to all Students, Parents/Carers and Staff who helped to make this possible 🥰#proud


📷 We have vacancies! Please see further information, Job Description and link to the application forms below:


📣We are very excited to announce the date for our 2024 Open Evening! We are looking forward to welcoming visitors on Thursday 4 July from 5-8pm where you will be able to take a tour around the school with one of our amazing student helpers. We look forward to seeing you all!


Wishing all Year 6 students from our local feeder schools and the very best of luck with SATs this week 🫶


Year 11 exams are well underway! This is a crucial time for students, and their dedication and effort will surely pay off. Encouraging them to continue putting their best foot forward will undoubtedly lead to rewarding outcomes. Good luck everyone, you've got this! 🫶🥰


📣 We have vacancies for Exam Invigilators! Please see further information, Job Description and link to the application form below:


What a way to end an amazing Charity Week with a cake sale & 'Massaoke'! Absolutely wonderful to see our whole school community come together as one to sing this afternoon for


Day 1 of Charity Week - Year 7 cake sale! 🍰🧁


Please click here to view our weekly news bulletin: We hope you all have a fantastic weekend!🌞


A huge thank you to Hayley Dawson from Nescot College who delivered an excellent presentation to our Year 9 cohort this morning all about their Post-16 training courses and facilities 👏


Lights... camera... action!! Lots of fun being had getting ready for our first dress rehearsal to local primary schools this morning!!😍


A huge thank you to Sue Taylor from the ALPS Partnership who delivered an excellent presentation to our Year 10 cohort this morning, all about the Apprenticeship Training Pathway👏

British Values

British Values: Promotion of British values

At de Stafford we recognise not only the importance of striving for students to flourish academically, but we also embrace our wider role in preparing them for their adult life beyond the formal examined curriculum. Part of our role in that preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce British values to our students .

The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy.  Within our Vision and Aims, these values are reinforced as we seek to “Equip students with the ability to understand their place in an increasingly diverse society by ensuring the values of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance are reinforced and permeate the school community.”  The examples that follow are an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British values  and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list.


At de Stafford School the principle of democracy is consistently reinforced, with the democratic process being employed for important decisions within the school community, with for example, elections being held for school council representatives. The principle of democracy is explored in History, Citizenship and Religious Studies, PATHS as well as in SAM time and assemblies.

The rule of law

The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced through our Attitudes and Behaviours policy which is shared and upheld by staff and students. Students are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.

Individual Liberty 

Within de Stafford School we actively encourage our young people to become active citizens making independent decisions and choices, knowing that they do so within in a safe, secure and supportive environment. Through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education, students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through our exploration of E-Safety in Computing and SAM time activities.

Mutual respect

Respect is at the core of our school ethos and is modelled by students and staff alike. The school promotes respect for self and others and this is reiterated through our classroom and learning environments. In line with our commitment to democracy students at de Stafford School are always able to voice their opinions. Mutual respect is embraced throughout the curriculum from the concept of ‘fair play’ in PE to a number of ‘buddy’ programmes which promote mutual respect between students across different year groups within the school.

Tolerance: understanding and appreciation of our cultural and religious similarities and differences

This is achieved through equipping students with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity within the school community. We actively review our curriculum to seek to provide a broad and balanced education on a range of perspectives on society, faith, religion, culture and history. We are mindful that tolerance is achieved through an awareness, and we look to challenge our biases and prejudices. Students are encouraged to consider how bias can impact upon our own cultural worldview, our attitude towards cultural differences and our understanding different cultural practices and worldviews.


Through our SMSC, PATHS (People, Attitudes, Tolerance. Health, Self-Esteem), Personal Development and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) lessons we help students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence; distinguish right from wrong and to respect English law; encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and contribute positively to society; enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of, and respect for, English public institutions and services and to appreciate and respect their own and other cultures.

de Stafford School strives endlessly to ensure that its students leave with the strongest foundation of values upon which to build a successful life and a successful contribution to our Society.